Reveal Me Page 3
“That happen a lot?”
She shrugged. “People get spooked easy when they’re treading the line of the law.”
“Treading? People were openly fucking in there.”
Smirking, she climbed off him. “You mean like we were openly fucking out here, Mr. Prim and Proper?”
He stood. “That’s different.” She would’ve sworn she heard a blush in his voice.
“Right.” How had someone so vanilla wandered into a place like Kink? She’d been shocked he’d even wanted to have sex out here. “Silly me.” She snatched her panties out of his pocket— though it would’ve amused her to see him strolling around with that bit of scarlet lace dripping down his thigh— but before she could put them on, he grabbed them again.
“No need for those.”
Her heart fluttered in time with her pussy. “Is that so?”
“It’s so.” He zipped up and dropped the condom in a nearby trashcan. “You’re coming home with me, Mac. And this time, I’m going to make you beg.” He returned to her and razed his teeth over her lower lip. “Okay?”
Saying no would’ve been stupid. She wasn’t stupid. “Okay.”
Carter still hadn’t wrapped his mind around what was happening by the time Alana entered his house. His bedroom. How his desire to finally break free of his mold at the paper had led him to the one woman he couldn’t stop wanting was beyond him.
She looked right in his space. Huge heavily fringed dark eyes took in everything as she skimmed her fingertips over the sleek black and chrome bedroom set then along the footboard of his bed. “Sweet digs. I guess you’re not a serial killer.” He laughed.
“Why? Because I have an attractive home?”
She shrugged and her innocent white top slipped lower off one shoulder. A glimpse of her dark red bra through the cotton made him imagine her breasts naked, bouncing as they surrounded his erection.
God. In a minute he’d need an ice- cold shower.
“You seem normal. Nice.”
He surreptitiously rubbed his stiffening cock. “Why don’t you sound pleased by that?”
She turned back to him and wet her pouty lips. She’d slicked on more gloss in the car and the sight of her glistening mouth made his balls tighten. “I like bad boys. It’s a sickness.”
Before he could make the case for just how bad he could be, she kicked off her heels and padded toward him, digging her plum toenails into the thick black carpet. “But you’ll do in the meantime.”
“Thanks. I think.”
She leaned up to lick his neck as her hands cupped his ass. Her touch was firm, bordering on abrupt. “Hope you’re more prepared here than you were at Kink.” He didn’t answer. His brain had already started heading for that blissful state of mindlessness that had led him to take her behind a sex club for a quick fuck. He was ready to set up camp on that particular island but first, he had to clear some things up.
Namely, who he was.
“Mac,” he groaned when she stroked him through his jeans, the friction pressing the teeth of his zipper into hot flesh. “Wait.”
“No worries, I have some. I’ll just—”
“Stop.” He grabbed her arm. “Look at me.”
“I’m looking.” Patent boredom filled her tone, but her eyes were wary. “So?”
“You know who I am.”
“I don’t kn—”
“You do,” he said gently. Why did she look so terrified all of a sudden? Was screwing him so horrifying? “Kelly was a good friend. You would’ve been had you ever taken the time to get to know me.”
She tensed. “I didn’t come here for a lecture. I came here for some fun.”
“Life’s not all about fun. Some things are serious.” Like how I felt about you. Like how I feel about you right now. Fantasy or reality, maybe she was both. And maybe he didn’t care any longer. “You remember. I see it all over your face.” Alana slipped away from him but she didn’t head for the door as he’d feared.
Instead she threw herself down on his king- sized bed. “Fine. I know who you are. I couldn’t really believe it but there’s no denying it in this light. Look at all your damn red hair. Least you ditched the braces.”
“It’s more brown.” He’d always been sensitive about his hair. Old holdover from when red hair, braces and freckles— most of which had thankfully faded with time— had singled him out as the class dork.
She sighed. “So why are you hanging out at Kink, Nicky? Trying to make up for lost time?”
He pushed aside the pillows and sat against the headboard. With her gorgeous golden legs inches away, he was having a hard time focusing. Even her freaking kneecaps turned him on. Worse, he knew exactly what lurked under her ridiculously short skirt, bare and waiting. And wet.
She lifted her brows. “Well? I know it was your first time.” When he gaped at her, she laughed. “Not that first time. At Kink. So why were you there? The Nicky I knew wouldn’t have deigned to step into such a classless environment.”
“Lack of class wasn’t what worried me. I’d rank diseases and the possibility of arrest much higher.”
Her eyes smirked at him. “Let me guess. You’re writing a story. An exposé on the seedy underbelly of Ely, Maryland.”
It never occurred to him to lie. He wasn’t hardwired that way. Besides, if he wanted to continue this with her, she had to know who he really was. “Not an exposé. Just a piece for the Lifestyle section of the Tribune.” The more he talked, the wider her eyes became. “I won’t use your name.”
“Good God, you’re really narcing on the club?”
“I’m not narcing. I’m reporting. Vital difference.”
“You know full well what will happen if there’s press coverage. My friends go there. What if Kelly gets caught because you decide to try to win a Pulitzer?” He didn’t know whether to laugh or sneer.
“You really think they hand out Pulitzers for articles about traveling sex clubs? And you said in the car it was Kelly’s first time there tonight. At your request.” He shook his head. “She was always smart, except when it came to you. You could’ve led her off a cliff and she would’ve jumped eagerly.”
“She’s my best friend. I love her. I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her.”
“Except leave her alone in a sex club while you ran after your lover.” Sexy dark eyes flashed warningly.
“You obviously haven’t changed one iota since high school.”
He shrugged. Baiting her was fun. Who knew? “Looks like you haven’t either, sweetheart.”
She jumped off the bed but before she’d taken a step, he snagged her wrist and pulled her back. This time her seat was his lap. “We’re not finished here.”
“That’s what you think.” She blew a thick curl in his face as she fought to break free. Her generous curves obviously hid strong muscles. “Dammit, let me go. Or you’re going to be singing soprano in about two seconds.”
“Nah.” He finally wrestled her arms behind her back. “Pretty sure you’d rather take advantage of me again before you render me useless.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“I have to. God knows you won’t.” The more she struggled, the harder he got. All her wriggling definitely wasn’t helping. “Besides, we both know you’re just getting wetter the more you fight.”
When color fired on cheeks he’d doubted ever blushed, he knew he’d hit his target.
“I’m just horny. It’s not you. It could’ve been anyone.”
He smiled pleasantly. “What makes you think it’s not the same for me?”
“Because we both know it’s not. You had this stupid thing for me. I don’t know why. You and Kelly, now that would’ve made sense. You could’ve climbed into a book together and made a dozen little bookworm babies and lived happily ever after.” His heart pounded erratically against his ribs. So much for playing his feelings close to the vest. “Ever heard that saying ‘opposites attract’?”
“Fuck opposites. We’re like
warring countries. Different planets. Whole frigging sol—”
His mouth covered hers. Kissing her was the only way he knew to shut her up. Her anger flavored the kiss, but the wild slashes of her tongue against his didn’t exactly douse his flames. He released her wrists and drew her arms over her head until her breasts strained against her cotton blouse. She held the pose all on her own while he trailed his hands down her sides. Suddenly she stiffened. A little ticklish, maybe.
And a whole lot sexy.
Watching her, he tugged her top down with his teeth, pulling until the fabric exposed the swell of her breast. He nuzzled her skin, sucking gently while her hisses softened into barely audible whimpers.
“You’re going to have to wear something a little less revealing for a few days.” Anticipation roughened his tone. “Since I’m going to leave marks all over you.”
“What kind of marks?”
“Ready to see my whip?” He got perverse enjoyment from the trepidation in her gaze. “Red marks. From my lips.”
He gripped her shoulder and slid his free hand under her shirt to fumble with her bra clasp. Two tries and it held fast. By three, she was laughing.
“Let me.”
“Gonna run if I take my hands off you?”
“No.” Her lips curved. “Because I want them right back there.” Oddly touched, he eased away as she dragged her top over her head. Her bra was next. Smooth caramel latte skin glowed in the lamplight, her large brown nipples puckered and infinitely arousing.
“Milk,” he said, itching to touch. “Definitely milk.”
“Sometimes they’re dark.” She cupped her hands under them in offering. “See for yourself.”
Carter dipped his head and swirled his tongue over the tight peak, spurred on by her nails weaving through his hair. He couldn’t be rough with her, though he suspected she’d be amenable. He’d waited too long, built this moment up too much.
The lightest skim of teeth brought on a long shiver, the slight roll of his thumb and forefinger elicited a muted gasp. He lifted her and laid her back on the bed, pleased to see her already working her skirt down her hips. When she was bared to him, her soft landing strip of curls already damp, dark lower lips gleaming with sensual promise, he dragged his fingers through her moisture and brought them to his lips. Only then did he think of the panties in his pocket. He tugged them out and tossed them onto his pillow.
“You won’t be needing those.”
She watched him silently, big brown eyes tracking every movement. Her lashes swept down as he drew his wet fingers into his mouth, the sooty fringe lifting when he extended his hand. She took it and sucked his fingers hard, the pull of her mouth acting as a blowtorch to his simmering lust.
In her expression, he saw everything she wanted to do to him, things she’d never admit. Delicious things he’d never dared to wish for when it came to Alana MacGregor.
But it wasn’t enough. He might be seriously infatuated, but he’d learned to deal with that emotion years ago. He needed her to accept who he was. To accept what she wanted and who she wanted it with.
He tugged his fingers free and let them wander her shapely body. Along the curve of her breast, over her flat stomach, around her cute navel. He’d seen so many bellybutton rings he’d almost forgotten how provocatively innocent untouched skin could be. Her back arched and she shuddered under his fleeting touch, thrusting her round breasts high.
His throat tightened but not nearly as much as his cock. She was incredible. More beautiful than the picture he’d kept in his nightstand for years could do justice.
When he reached her pussy, he spread her lips slowly, drinking her in with his gaze before he arrowed his tongue into her quivering flesh. A quick cry pierced the silence, cut off as if she were shocked she’d made it. He smiled and circled the swollen pearl that budded so eagerly against his mouth.
“Do you know,” he began, delighting in her frustrated half laugh, “that the clitoris is the only part of the woman’s body designed entirely for pleasure?” He flattened his tongue, bearing down until she squirmed.
“God, Nicky …”
“Never liked that name. I always thought you were trying to dismiss me.” He slid his finger inside her, rotating slowly. Her abundant liquid granted easy passage, so he added another and studied the frantic buck of her hips. “You’re not dismissing me now.”
“Want me to call you Carter?” Alana rose on her elbows and glared at him. “I’ll call you whatever you want as long as you fuck me.”
“Such a romantic.” Since he was currently finger- fucking her with the speed of a finely tuned drill, he wouldn’t quibble.
“It’s not about romance. I want your cock, not sonnets.”
“What if you get both?”
He drew his hand away from her sex and her breath hitched. Her neck bowed when his wet fingers grasped her nipple, which he followed with the slippery suction of his mouth.
“Let me explain how this is going to work.” Light streams of his breath caressed her areolas. “I’m going to make love to you my way. Slowly, thoroughly. No man’s ever paid as much attention to your body as I’m going to tonight. We have hours.” His gaze stayed direct even as his pulse kicked up enough to make him lightheaded. “More, if you’re willing to give us that. In the meantime, your body is my playground. You won’t rush me. And if I want to compose a goddamned sonnet, then I will. Got it?” She started to argue, then clamped her lips shut and nodded.
“Good.” He grinned and slid his finger back into the hot, tight channel that welcomed him so readily. “Now where was I?”
“Making me crazy.”
“Right.” He curved the digit inside her before inviting a friend. Two fingers scissored back and forth, building the pressure until she thrashed under his touch.
“Only fair since just looking at you does that to me.”
“You just like my breasts.”
“Yeah, I do. I can’t wait to see them bounce while you ride me. But first,” he bent his head and sucked the swollen bud distended above where his fingers were lodged inside her, “I’m going to taste your cum.”
“You already—”
The words were lost in her series of rapid exhales. Not moans, not gasps of “Fuck me, you stud,” but they were awfully close to pants. Then her juice was flooding his fingers, coating him in the essence he lapped at as she flailed against his mouth.
And flailed was the word. She rode her climaxes as if they were broncos and this was her first rodeo.
God, she was incredible.
When her breathing leveled, he nibbled his way up her body to her mouth. Kissing her with his mouth still damp from her pussy made his cock lurch, especially when she closed her hand around him, dragging his erection that much closer to her breasts and their hard brown tips.
“Sure you don’t wanna ride me first?” she whispered.
She also clearly knew what he wanted most, because she quickly rolled him on his back. His head hit the pillow an instant before she crawled on top of him and snatched the condom he produced from the nightstand. Before he could blink she’d sheathed his straining length and taken him all the way in, leaning backward with her hands on his bunched thighs to give him the view of his life.
“Watch,” she breathed, sliding her pussy up and down, enveloping his shaft then wetly sliding free until his balls ached as much as his clenched jaw.
Fuck, he was going to explode. Considering the delight in her wicked brown eyes, she knew it too.
Alana rocked faster, swiveling her hips so that her sex twisted around his dick in the most erotic, mind- blowing ways. He’d never been inside a woman so perfectly hot and snug, never seen one so at ease with her sexuality. His breath hissed out as he reared up and she fastened her lips onto his. He could still taste her there. So sexy. She ate at his mouth while he tensed, pausing only seconds before his seed blasted into the condom. And unlike Alana, he didn’t muffle his shout.
sp; She laughed softly when residual spasms racked him. Enjoying her, he resumed pumping into her until her pussy began to clench around his newly hardening shaft.
Soon her eyes were glazing with the look he knew meant she was about to come. Again.
Thank you, Jesus.
“Every time you laugh, I’ll make you pay,” he teased warningly, driving deep once more.
Now she did gasp. And giggle. “God, please do.”
Chapter Three
Alana rolled over in bed and stared at the swirling chrome pattern of the headboard. Her head felt fuzzy, as if she’d had too much to drink. But that wasn’t the problem. A post- orgasmic haze shouldn’t last hours, but he’d been sleeping for at least two and she still felt tingly.
How the heck could Nicky, the boy who’d actually read all the assigned books in English— who’d actually enjoyed them— be the only man who’d ever really rocked her world?
Her cell went off and she reached out blindly, dragging it to her ear before Nicky woke. The guy needed his sleep. He’d been inside her enough times during the night he deserved his own personal access code.
“Hello to you too.”
“Kelly.” Relief tumbled through her as she glanced back to make sure she wasn’t being overheard. Right now her lost night with Nicky was hers alone. If he knew she was talking to Kelly, he’d probably ask for the phone. Hell, they’d probably have a nerdgastic reunion. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, no thanks to you.”
After offering Kelly a profusion of hushed apologies, Alana listened to her friend tap dance around her own whereabouts. Since she had no desire to be any more forthcoming, she let it slide. But when Kelly finally got to the point of the call, Alana couldn’t answer quickly enough.
“I can’t come pick you up. I don’t have my car. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, Kel.”
Wait a second. Wasn’t she supposed to be changing her ways and not only thinking of herself? Too bad for her if she wasn’t ready to face reality yet.
The reality was she’d slept with Nicky, a guy she’d once used to make another man jealous. The man she’d wanted to love, one who was socially acceptable. It was sobering to recognize how attuned she was to public opinion, but she was. Or she had been.