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Reveal Me Page 2
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“Getting nervous? Because I’m only getting wetter the more you stare at me.”
Carter steeled his spine. “Who’s nervous?”
“Guess we’ll find out soon enough.” She leaned toward him until the generous swells of her breasts peeked over her white cotton top. “Do you want to see these?” She traced her nipples. “I know you do. I can see it all over your face.” His breathing quickened as she shifted her hand to his erection. “And I can feel it, right here.” Her smoky laughter snaked through his system as her fingers rode up and down his length, stuffed so painfully into the unforgiving denim. He knew he shouldn’t have worn new jeans tonight, but he hadn’t wanted to wear his usual khakis to Kink. Now he was paying for it.
As she playfully pulled on his zipper, barely tugging it down, he threw back his head to stare at the pinprick lights dotting the ceiling. They matched the stars shooting off in his brain when her nails skimmed his shaft through his jeans. Thank God she hadn’t fully unzipped him yet. He was afraid he’d go off like a rocket when her fingers touched his bare skin.
Dammit, not here.
“Why don’t we take this somewhere else? I only live a couple miles away.”
“You really think I’ll go home with a stranger?”
Stranger, my ass. “But you’ll fuck one?”
Her mouth pinched. “Got a problem with that, stud?”
Carter glanced down at her, some of his lust ebbing. She’d always been a party girl and her penchant for trying anything once had held a big allure for a guy who’d spent most weekends in front of his computer. Alana was go, go, go, always moving, always looking for the next good time. But the glimpses of the softer side she hid beneath endless bravado had always intrigued him.
Tonight he couldn’t see anything but the sharp edge of her need. Apparently any dick would do. Maybe sleeping with Alana now wouldn’t change anything, because the girl he’d fantasized about had been just that. A fantasy.
He relaxed his shoulders as she cupped his balls. God, it had been a while. Not too long, as he’d made sure to make up for all the years his hand and an image of Alana naked had been his only company in bed. But long enough that her touch scorched straight through to the base of his spine.
Alana’s touch. That was the part he couldn’t stop thinking about. And that was what kept him from walking away.
Fate had brought him here tonight and she’d been waiting. Maybe not for him, but just the same. He wouldn’t waste the opportunity he’d been given.
He’d come a long way in the eight years since high school. People changed, but that didn’t mean the qualities he’d once loved in her didn’t still exist. For all he knew, the sweet, soft Alana was buried deep and needed encouragement to come out and play.
Only one way to find out.
“No problems here,” he said quietly.
“Didn’t think so. Especially since I’d like to take these in my mouth, slide them right over my tongue. Bet they’re soft and pink, just like your cheeks.” She released him and teasingly toyed with his zipper. “Ever been with a girl like me?” He had a feeling she was referring to her heritage, which he remembered was part Cherokee along with about ten other nationalities, but he answered another question entirely. “No. But I’ve always wanted to.”
“You just want to see if my nipples are the color of milk or dark chocolate.”
His lips quirked. How would she respond if he said he already knew? “Actually, I—”
“Fuck! Cops are coming!”
That was the last distinct phrase he heard before pandemonium broke loose.
Chapter Two
Alana gusted out a sigh and pushed down her skirt. Figures. Here she had a chance for some action but nope. Why should she expect the end of this night to be any better than the beginning?
While people ran around like screaming maniacs, she called Kelly. Still no answer.
Maybe Kelly was finally letting loose. For all she knew her friend had could’ve had six orgasms by now, while she hadn’t even had six drinks.
“Uh, Mac,” her new acquaintance whispered against her temple. Or at least it seemed like a whisper in comparison to everyone else’s shouting and the sound of pounding feet. “Shouldn’t we be going?”
“In a minute.”
She’d been through one of these raids before. The cops never got here that fast. The patrons weren’t who the police wanted anyway. They just wanted to shut the place down for a while, maybe nab a couple of the proprietors in the process. They didn’t pick up the customers unless they caught them mid- fuck.
“Alana, come on. Seriously. Whoever you’re calling can wait.” She planted her feet when he foolishly attempted to lay hands on her person. Sex was one thing. But to drag her off as if he were a caveman and she some simpering female? No sir.
“My friend may still be here somewhere. She’s my first priority, not you.” He didn’t glower at her. That she would’ve expected. Instead he flashed a full- on, devastating grin.
“Not the tune you were singing a couple minutes ago.” She fought the urge to smile back.
“Take off, okay? Don’t want you to get in trouble on my account. I gotta see if I can find Kelly.”
“Kelly Crossman? Not her too.” His grin faded. “She must be here thanks to you. She’d never go for a place like this.”
“Whoa. You’re sounding mighty self- righteous for someone with a glow- in- the- dark condom in his pocket.”
“Why haven’t you asked who I am?”
Because I know.
She cleared her throat. She didn’t know, not really. He wasn’t Nicky. No way. He’d carried books of poetry in his back pocket, for cripes’ sake. This guy just smiled like him. And somehow, he knew how to defuse her anger, just as Nicky had.
One of the many reasons he’d scared her so fucking much.
“I have to look for Kelly,” she said, pushing past him and shoving her way through the crowd.
He followed her upstairs, shadowing her through the lounge and steam room.
Finally, when she’d examined every crevice to no avail, he gripped her hand. “Let’s go.”
Arguing seemed futile. Kelly was nowhere in sight. Sighing, she led the way to the back stairs, relieved the club had mostly emptied. At least she wouldn’t be trampled to death.
“We should split,” she said once they stepped out into the sultry night, though she didn’t hear much shouting anymore. Back here, the voices seemed fainter and she certainly didn’t hear any sirens. She wasn’t sure if a raid at a sex club warranted bringing out the big guns.
Truthfully, she wasn’t in a big hurry to go. He’d stayed with her even when leaving had seemed smarter, and he hadn’t rushed her. He’d even helped look for Kelly. Then there was what they’d started inside …
“Not yet.”
He leaned down, kissing her hard enough to scatter the last remaining marbles of sense in her head. His height dwarfed hers but she inched up on her tiptoes to devour his mouth. And the rest of him. His lips, his chest under her stroking fingers, the long cock she couldn’t stop brushing against like a cat seeking an eager hand. Patron had nothing on the liquid warmth this guy set ablaze in her belly.
Perspiration trickled down the backs of her knees. God, she was incinerating and it wasn’t due only to the scorching heat index. She plastered her body to his and absorbed the feeling of his heartbeat against hers. Knowing he wanted her made her crave him more.
“I have to be inside you,” he whispered, his hot breath wafting across her lips. “Where can we go?”
Alana waved a hand at the short embankment behind the club. She didn’t particularly want to lie down in the grass in the dark— who knew what squishy things could be creeping about?— but she wasn’t about to go home without more of where that kiss had come from.
He didn’t balk. His earlier reservations seemingly gone, he pulled her deeper into the shadows. They were completely alone, their only company the mosquitoes buzzing around
the weak spotlight above the back door of the club. Crickets chirped and she smelled ripe, warm earth.
Slowly, he traced a fingertip down her cheek. The reverent way he touched her destroyed her reservations. Despite the heat, she shivered as he tugged her top down her shoulders. The more skin he revealed, the more her shivering grew. His gaze stayed steady on her breasts, encased in red satin, and her nipples pebbled under his inspection. His look was as potent as a touch, and everything inside her drew achingly tight.
Tonight was going to be the acting job of her life. Even if she managed to convince him she was just out for another good time, she’d never convince herself.
Too soon he slipped away from her to sit on the low- rise hill. The sound of his zipper opening broke the heavy silence and she almost panted at the idea of his fingers brushing his cock as he freed himself.
She’d done that to him, made him so hard and hot. From the moment he’d first glanced at her in the club, he’d only looked her way. She knew this wasn’t about some random fuck with him. Maybe she didn’t fully understand what made her special, but she couldn’t turn away now.
“Come ride me,” he murmured, his husky voice whispering erotically along her skin.
She yanked her shirt back up onto her shoulders and joined him on the grass.
Coming sounded excellent. Even the threat of cops just added to the thrill. Besides, she’d been caught bare- assed before. Back when she’d really been all about having fun, not just pretending to be a carefree party girl.
Before her conscience could weigh in— and surprisingly, it didn’t have as much interest in orgasms— she tugged up her skirt and stood over him. Hungrily, she eyed the definite rise of pale, hard flesh in the moonlight. Her breath caught, releasing in a laugh as he donned the blue condom and lit up his erection.
Alana grinned. “Very.”
She placed a knee on the hard- packed earth on each side of his hips and moved into position. Dew coated the grass and the blades tickled her skin. He bit off an invective when she gripped his thick length, her other hand aiming for the wetness between her thighs.
“How does it feel to touch yourself?”
She still couldn’t see his eyes clearly and his voice was husky with need. So sexy.
She could pretend she was with anyone, touching anyone. Even Ramon.
But it was Nicky’s face that formed in her mind. His eyes half- closed as he lowered his face to hers while Aerosmith played in the background. His grin tonight when he dispatched her bitchiness with a wisecrack.
Again, she almost asked him. Is it really you? But did she honestly want to know?
“Like not enough,” she whispered, silencing her internal questions with thorough swipes of her fingers along her slit.
She knew how to make herself come fast. Four years spent sharing a bedroom with two younger sisters had meant learning to take the edge off in a hurry. Her other talent was a soundless climax. Some guys didn’t like that she didn’t whimper or beg, but she made up for her lack in some areas with other talents.
“You’re wet.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Your clit’s swollen.”
“And pounding.” She danced her sopping fingers over his length. “There’s a little hint of what you’re missing.”
He cursed, long and low. “You’ve got two seconds. Either you take me inside you or I’ll forget I’m a gentleman and flip you on your back and get you all dirty.” She rubbed him in firm strokes from the crown of his cock to the base, nestled in a thatch of wiry hair. She almost wished he hadn’t suited up so soon because she wanted to feel that little trickle of precum on her palm. “I like it dirty. I also like that you’re so fucking hard.”
He practically growled.
Tormenting him was fun. His rough exhales definitely encouraged her mischievous side. Maybe she’d have to take him home after all.
Easing forward, she crawled up his body to explore. She started with long licks of his stubbled throat, butterfly kisses along his jaw, quick nips of his earlobe. He had a tiny mole near his collarbone, and a wet kiss there made him groan. His aftershave was subtle, just a hint of alpine that fit the woodsy scents surrounding them. Even the crisp aroma of his shampoo ignited her lust.
He drove his hands in her hair and dragged her face back to his. His tongue took possession of her mouth, his tempo slow and unhurried despite the rigid shaft trapped between their stomachs. The kiss went on forever. She hadn’t been consumed like this in years, if ever. These were soul- searching kisses, the kind long- term lovers shared. His hands didn’t wander her body but just the sensual movements of his mouth wet her thighs.
She massaged his cock while the nails of her free hand dug into his chest. He grabbed her wrist, lifting her fingers to his lips. “Give me a taste.” His satisfied groan rang out as he sucked her finger deep. “Oh sweetheart. Chocolate ice cream has nothing on you.”
Laughing felt so damn good, even when she ached so much she wanted to scream.
“You like it creamy, huh?”
“Hell, yeah. Your cream especially.”
Still smiling, she slid back and impaled herself, engulfing all of him in her snug wet sheath. Her smile disappeared quickly as delirious tremors racked her body.
“Fuck, yes.” She hissed out a breath. “Yes.”
She shoved up his shirt, needing to feel his bare flesh under her palms. Then she started to move, taking slow trips up and down his cock while he steadied her with his hands on her hips.
Alana triumphed at the flash of his teeth in the darkness. Ramon who?
“That’s it. God.” He matched her pace effortlessly. “Baby, you’re so good.” Her breasts tingled and as if he knew it, he reached up to tug sharply on her nipples through her shirt. Her core clenched in time with his pulls.
“Harder.” He twisted his fingers on her sensitive peaks and she arched, taking him deeper to show her appreciation. “You take direction well.” He let out a pained half laugh. He filled her perfectly, and better yet, he let her control the show. That he gave her the reins so easily increased the slow burn of arousal cramping her belly and fed the steadily increasing moist heat that clasped his shaft as she rocked them both into heaven.
“I can’t wait.” His whisper seemed almost conspiratorial. “Sweetheart, come with me.”
Baby, sweetheart. She wasn’t normally one for endearments, but she liked his. They made her feel treasured. She squeezed her inner walls, needing him to go over more than she needed to follow. His body tensed and the rise and fall of his hips became more erratic. She loved making a man lose control. Even if she didn’t come, his orgasm would make her feel good. Already her pussy was tightening in anticipation.
If necessary, she’d take care of herself later.
“Tell me you’re close.” His seductive voice combined with the electric pulls on her breasts juiced her up even more.
“Go ahead,” she murmured, quaking around him.
Her permission was all he needed. With a hushed cry, he powered deep inside her.
His cock jerked as he found his release, and she couldn’t hold back a stunned sigh as he lost himself.
Alana closed her eyes, breathing in the scents of the night. Of sex. It seemed important she remember this moment. For reasons she didn’t care to identify, she’d never before felt so linked to someone.
And she hadn’t even climaxed. Yet.
He took a moment to recover, his harsh pants breaking the stillness. Just as she was about to rise, he touched her pussy. She startled from her relaxed pose astride him as his thumb zeroed in on her clit. A sudden bolt of pure sensation traveled through her system, jolting straight to her sore nipples. More moisture dripped down around the shaft still buried inside her.
He groaned. “You’re going to come for me, sweetheart, or we’re going to be here all night.”
Taking him at his word, she inched forward and rubbed against his hand. She did it again and aga
in until her gaze swam with bursts of light and her skin sheened with sweat.
That he hadn’t taken off after getting his own increased her excitement. She’d never been with a guy that concerned about her orgasm before.
She could get addicted to this. To him.
“Get my hand wet. More.”
She bit down on her lip when his fingers moved faster and he drew her down onto him harder. Each squelching slide of his fingers announced her arousal, but it only turned her on more. He knew just how to touch her to make her writhe.
What would he be like in a real bed? Would he suck on her nipples for hours? Eat her pussy until her vocal cords ached from her screams?
Could he make her scream? For real? Was that even possible or were whimpers as good as it got?
She had to find out.
“There,” she gasped, bearing down as the climax roared through her. The knots of tension in her belly loosened and hot streaks of pleasure singed her nerve endings. His grunts of praise soothed her as he drew out her climax with gentle flicks of his fingers.
He didn’t stop until she nudged him away with another sigh.
This man couldn’t be real. How she felt about him definitely couldn’t be.
She rubbed the back of her hand over her cheek. Her heavy ringlets clung to her neck and her peasant blouse wilted against her skin. “I’m soaked.”
“Mmm hmm.” His lazy satisfaction made her grin. “You sure were.” With a resigned sound, he pulled out of her and removed the condom. “Hard to hide this evidence, huh?” he said when he noticed her watching him.
“Badge of honor around here.”
“Yeah.” He stared at her, his gaze weighty once again. “You come here frequently?” Hadn’t he asked that before?
“When I need an itch scratched. But the guy I was scratching it with found someone he likes better, so I’m done here for a while.”
“Can’t say I’m sorry the asshole moved on. It’s probably a good idea you steer clear, what with the cops and all.”
“There were no cops. Hear how quiet it is? I don’t think they ever showed.”